Australia’s bright sunny days and occasional late afternoon summer storms can cause significant damage to your homes automatic gate. Just like anything mechanical, we recommend a regular service and maintenance check to be performed every 12 months on your automated gate.
The team at Brisbane Automatic Gate Systems have created a few maintenance tips to help keep your important assets looking and operating in peak condition:
Keep the automatic gate tracks neat and tidy
Keep the area around the automated gate operator clear from leaves and debris. Similar to your car, your gates will look its best if it is regularly washed (please beware of getting the wirings wet). Regular washing and occasional waxing of the gates will keep it looking pristine for years.
Polish and lubricate your automatic gate regularly
All moving parts require regular lubrication as they are the parts responsible for moving the gates automatically. Friction and resistance work against those parts, and the gate’s ease of operation, which can cause damage over time. Damage that is easily avoided with just a little regular attention and maintenance. It is critical that the motor of your automated gate is cleaned and lubricated regularly. It can be quite costly to repair or replace your automated gate operator and motor if damaged.
Watch out for crawling critters!
One of the most overlooked parts of automatic gate maintenance is pest control including insects, rodents and reptiles. Although they seem harmless, but given their size and their love of chewing things, particularly wiring, they can cause all sorts of malfunction in the electrical components of the gate.
Even a seemingly harmless slug can cause havoc; if its slime trail reaches the circuit board, it can cause moisture build-up and short circuit that can cause extensive damage to the circuitry. Spraying around the gate operator with an outdoor pesticide every 3 months between services is highly recommended. While it may still be a better idea to get a pest control professional to inspect your gate once a year just to be sure.
Given your gates play such an important role in securing your home from intruders and giving your family peace of mind, a little care and attention between services goes a long way, and will play a huge role in increasing the lifespan of the unit.
Regular maintenance of your automatic gate is key to longevity and prevention is better than cure, but when things goes a bit out of hand, please call an expert.
Contact the friendly team at Brisbane Automatic Gate Systems today. Phone 07 3286 8111