Any automation equipment requires regular servicing, and automatic gates are no exception. Similar to vehicle servicing, regular maintenance of your gate extends the life of your operator and reduces the likeliness of an unexpected breakdown. We believe prevention is better than a cure, and regular maintenance of the gate means that our technicians will check for and fix any issues before they become a problem for you.
General servicing includes:
• Lubrication of parts
• Checking for signs of wear and tear
• Checking alignment of parts
• Checking for any vermin, moisture, dirt and dust
• General function test, as well as other tests and checks specific to your gate
How often should my gate be serviced?
Industry standards recommend 6 monthly services for commercial properties, while domestic properties should have their gates serviced every 12 months to ensure equipment continues to run smoothly. At Brisbane Automatic Gate Systems we keep your service history on record, and will post you a reminder letter when your property is due for its maintenance.
General servicing also provides you with an opportunity to arrange additional extras for your system such as remote controls. Just ask our friendly Staff when booking your service and we can ensure the technician includes this in his visit.
If you would like to book in a service for your equipment, please call the Office on 3286 8111, or email and our Staff will be more than happy to arrange this with you.