At Brisbane Automatic Gate Systems we offer our commercial clients a Preventative Maintenance Agreement (PMA) to ensure the operational safety and longevity of their automated gate system.
With a Commercial Gate PMA, you will receive many benefits including:
Exceptional Pricing – 20% off all parts if required.
VIP Treatment – Should you find the need for an emergency service, our Agreement clients are given preferred treatment in the event of a problem. We service our Agreement holders first.
Longer Product Life – A known fact is that regular maintenance and service on mechanical equipment extends the life of the operator, it also keeps the operator working at peak performance.
Peace of Mind – You will receive automatic and periodic inspections, lubricating, adjusting and cleaning of your access control system to ensure its continuous operation and trouble free efficiency. Potential problems can be identified prior to causing trouble.
Safety – Periodic maintenance ensures units to be operating safely.
Trained Technicians – Competent, trained, dependable staff of experts will perform services on your equipment when necessary. Our technicians are fully trained and certified.
Service you can trust – Our highly trained staff of experts know your systems inside and out. Feel at ease knowing that Commercial Gate Systems has made a major investment in training, equipment, vehicles on the road and computers to ensure all our VIP clients prompt and efficient service.
If you are ready to find out more about your PMA and would like us to price this for you please contact us
How Often Does a Gate Operator, Motor or Opener Need to be Serviced?
We recommend gates be serviced by professionals every 6-12 months, depending on their use. Some gate systems, such as for residential gates that aren’t used more than a few times a day, may not need servicing as much compared to a gate for a car park that’s opening and closing up to hundreds of times per day. Other factors can play into maintenance needs as well, such as the environment. If your system is operating by the coast, salt damage could affect its functioning. In dusty areas like industrial areas with lots of construction occurring, plus lots of traffic, systems may break down more quickly. The age of the gate is also important, as older operators, motors or openers may need to be checked more often to ensure they’re functioning correctly.
In general, home gates should be checked annually, business and unit gates should be checked every 6 months, and areas with high usage or environmental impacts on the gate system should be checked at least every 6 months or even more. If you’re unsure, give us a call and our experts will run you through recommendations for your circumstances.
What’s Included in a Gate System Service?
When we’re doing maintenance on your gate operator, motor or opener, we’ll start by checking all the components to ensure the system is functioning correctly. We may also look at the area surrounding the operator to see if there are issues like water and flooding, weeds or overgrown plants, etc. We’ll go into the operator and identify any parts that may be damaged or corroded and replace them. Adjusting and lubricating parts where necessary is also an important part of this task. Then, we’ll do some final tests to ensure it’s operating well, leaving you with a trustworthy, quality gate that will continue operating well for your convenience.
How Do I Service My Gate Operator, Motor, or Opener?
Since our services will likely be every 6-12 months, we recommend you do some of your own maintenance in the meantime to keep the system working well. However, always be cautious when checking mechanical or electrical components. While you can do some checks and fixes on your own, leave anything complex or potentially dangerous to professionals like BAGS.
If you choose to do your own maintenance, always consult the gate owner’s manual and follow instructions. Here are some tips:
- Clean the gate: Remove surrounding debris and give the gate and track a clean with a brush. Remove weeds or overgrown plants around the gate and operator, and spray weeds to prevent them causing issues. Wipe the operator with a cloth and warm, soapy water.
- Inspect electrics: Check that any wires connected to the gate are in good condition, without breaks or fraying. Take a look at the operator and control panel to ensure connections appear flush, such as wires and plugs being secured tightly. If anything is amiss, call an expert.
- Inspect mechanics: Following manufacturer instructions, you may use a recommended lubricant to help all mechanical components move correctly and easily. Check that the gate is aligned and opening and closing smoothly, with weight distributed evenly. If anything is damaged or misaligned, call BAGS so we can fix or replace parts.
- Test safety features: If your gate has sensors to stop opening or closing if something is in its path, test this thoroughly by placing objects in the way. You may also check the emergency stop button to ensure it’s working correctly. If any safety features aren’t working, it’s important to get a professional to fix them before they become a safety risk.
What Safety Should I Have for My Gate Operator, Motor, or Opener?
The safest gate operators in automatic gate systems will have features that ensure potential risks are prevented, such as:
- Sensors: Photoelectric beams sense if something is in the way of the gate, such as a person, to stop movement immediately before harm may occur. The gate should also have a sensor that stops it from forcing a close if it is met with resistance. Safety edges may also be added to the gate or track.
- Manual Release: If there is a malfunction in the gate or a power cut, you should be able to open and close the gate manually.
- Emergency Stop: If you need to stop the gate immediately, there should be a working button or switch that ceases gate movement.
- Warning Alerts: In case of malfunction or risk of harm, the gate should have an alert system that gives off lights or sounds that warn the user.
- Security Codes: Some gates can offer a rolling code that changes for each operation, ensuring no unauthorised access.
- Adjustable Speed: Automatic gate systems should offer an adjustable opening and closing speed, so it can be adjusted depending on the environment and potential safety risks.
An important part of your gate maintenance is ensuring these features are all working at all times.